Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Anneris Rumaldo
Eng 101
                                                  The effects of foodborne botulism

Foodborne Botulism is the most common diseases in the U.S. due to the popularity of home canning. It is important to let people know what foodborne botulism is and how these families can prevent something so serious like this disease. Even though the government is working to prevent these accidents there are more ways to do it that might have better results like give families seminars and example of many death people. Foodborne Botulism has many effects on the human body such as paralyzing muscle disease, double vision, and difficulty swallowing and any person can die in seconds if it doesn’t have medical attention right away.   And how are terrorist using bioterrorism to attack the United States. In this essay you will learn more about botulism in reality and what is the government doing to prevent more accident of this dangerous illness.
Foodborne Botulism is a serious paralysis illness caused by a nerve toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. It is caused by eating foods that contain the botulism toxin. This toxin may not give a bad odor or taste to food. The disease most often develops after consuming improperly processed home-preserved foods that are inadequately cooked before consumption. However, commercial foods and restaurants are still occasional sources. Clostridium Botulinum bacteria grows on food and produces toxins that, when ingested, cause paralysis. Botulism poisoning is extremely rare, but so dangerous that each case is considered a public health emergency. Studies have shown that there is a 35 to 65 percent chance of death for patients who are not treated immediately and effectively with botulism antitoxin.  In the United States, there are approximately 110 cases of botulism reported annually. Food-borne botulism accounts for 25% of all botulism cases and usually can be traced to eating contaminated home-preserved food.
Botulism is not contagious. Outbreaks of food-borne botulism usually can be traced to improperly home-canned foods, especially those with low amounts of acid, such as asparagus, green beans, beets, and corn, which allow the Clostridium botulinum bacteria to grow. Various frozen foods also have been implicated in outbreaks of the disease. According to (Senator Bill Frist) “there are only seven distinct types of botulinum toxin and these are describe by letters A through G”. (Frist 102) this means that the probability of getting this diseases is larger.

The effect of Botulism is paralyzing muscle disease that is usually contracted from uncooked or improperly cooked food.  The paralyzing muscle is caused by the bacterial neurotoxin. . First the cranial nerves are affected (with neurological disorders), and then paralysis is progressing rapidly, extending the neck, arms, chest and legs. Progressive paralysis is accompanied by nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain, dizziness, vision problems and dry mouth. If is untreated the progress may cause paralysis in various parts of the body.it often seen as a descending paralysis of the arms, legs, and breathing muscles and death. Botulism is transmitted through food, when botulism toxic enters the body through contaminated food causing disturbances in the never function leading to paralysis. All forms lead to paralysis that typically starts with the muscles of the face and then spreads towards the limbs. In severe forms, it leads to paralysis of the breathing muscles and respiratory failure. The double vision, problems speaking and difficulty swallowing all happens at the same as the paralysis. It is important that each family member can identify these symptoms of foodborne botulism and prevent it by killing the Clostridium botulinum bacteria that canned food have.

The biggest problem is that the terrorists are taking advantage that not many people are taking the precaution for this issue especially in restaurants. Toxic is widely available for everybody, but the other ingredients are more difficult to obtain because is not that common. However it has been used unsuccessfully in attempted bioterrorism attacks by a Japanese cult. This could be used more easily to contaminate food. It would be hard to weaponize the toxin so it could be released as an aerosol; it’s not very likely to cause mass causalities in this manner. Botulism prevention efforts should be focused on those who preserve food at home, and restaurant workers. The nerve toxin that causes foodborne botulism is the most poisonous substance known to science. Doctors have been reaching that just a single gram of botulin toxin released in aerosol form could kill more than a million of people. The government has been looking for ways to stop the use of biological weapons on earth by putting more control in the canned food that come from various companies.  Since the 1970s, restaurant-associated botulism outbreaks have accounted for a large proportion of U.S. cases.

The death rate is extremely high without the use of ventilating machines to support breathing. In the cases involving contaminated food, with treatment available the death rate is about 5 percent. However it’s expected that the rate would be much higher if the toxin were successfully released into the air in a popular area. Botulinum toxin affects the general nervous system, requiring a general application through injection into the bloodstream. Each year there is approximately twenty cases of food-borne botulism reported. Commercial canning companies have become a lot more cautious about their methods of canning and trying as hard as they can to prevent flaws because of the past reports of botulism from canning and also the strict health standards that they must follow. “Botulism occurs naturally in three forms: foodborne, infant and wound”. (Frist 20) The death of botulism has three types and it an affect any person.

The government is trying to have control of everything that has to do with food, because terrorists are taking this action more regularly because they know not many people know about situation and the government knows that botulism toxin into food and that would be fatal. What terrorist would do is sending or paying to the workers that have control over the canned food in the companies and they those workers send the canned of food in the way that the food already has the toxic. However the government has made the policy of checking each pack of food is because using toxin in food or beverages would be easier. The botulin toxin is very stable on uncooked food and untreated beverages.  Contamination of a larger-volume, ready to eat, shot shelf live products as a commercial beverage could produce a larger number of casualties. The government is (Farb 3)

Clinicians who suspect that they are treating a case of botulism should immediately contact their state health department's emergency telephone number. Botulinum toxin has been developed as a biologic weapon by various countries and terrorist groups and could be disseminated by deliberate contamination of foods or aerosolization. This situation adds urgency to early recognition and reporting of botulism cases. We review surveillance data on cases and outbreaks of botulism in the United States from 1990 to 2000. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) maintains a 24-hour clinical consultation and emergency antitoxin release service, and state health departments conduct epidemiologic investigations of suspected cases. The imperfections and externalities in the market may provide too much or (more typically) too little food safety for individual consumers and for society. The likely societal magnitudes of some of the costs of food-borne ill-health are also discussed. The case for government intervention is quite clear, but care must be taken not to impose too high a level of food safety. According to Senator Bill Frist “normally, about 20 percent of patients with foodborne botulism require ventilators and extensive medical support” (Frist 185)

Researchers in New York are working on dual treatments that could be used after a human has been exposed to two of the most virulent bio-terror agents. The research is aimed at providing therapies for people already exposed to Anthrax and botulinum bacteria by exploiting biological quirks in both organisms’ cells. Michael Brothers, a graduate student in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, told Government Security News in an interview, that the research could lead to an inhalant treatment for Anthrax toxin exposure, as well as an injection for people who have been exposed to toxin produced by Clostridium botulinum bacteria -- the germ behind botulism.  When a person has botulism every part of the nervous system get damaged, “in terms of Bioterrorism Botulism; Autonomic nervous system is the part of the nervous system that regulates internal organs unconsciously” (Farb 3)

In conclusion botulism is a serious illness because it can cause many deaths in seconds. The good thing is that the government has already taken action to this problem. Now they are checking very close attention to food, because they know that the terrorist are using this method to kill more people in the United States. However even though many people have already died from botulism, the government is putting more control on foods in a way that they can protect each people life.

This is a link

this is the botulism picture 

this is a horse who has botulism

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Annotated Bibliography

                                                      Annotated Bibliography
                                                         Anneris Rumaldo

             My topic will be about Botulism and how its related with food and politics.

Frist, Bill. When every Moment Counts: What You Need To Know About Bioterrosrism From The Senate's Only Doctor. New York:  Rowman & Littlefield, 2002. Print

The information from this book will help me know the definition of bioterrorism and what it has to do with politics.

Mackelpragn, Thirkill. "Social  Work" Bioterrorism and Smallpox. April 2005: 119-127. Aademic Search Complete.

This information from this academic site has information explaining the cause of the bioterrorism.

    Kirk M Chan-Tack,    http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/213311-overview

This is a website that explains exactly how easy is to get contamited with botulism.  Web. Mar 29, 2010

"Botulism" New World Enclyclopedia online. 2008. Web. 2 April. 2008

This information will help me for my final paper to find out how is the united states policy of the united states working to prevent this accidents.

                                                                                                                                                         Dr.Richard Besser   http://abcnews.go.com/Health/Technology/story?id=116745&page=1 
January 6, 2006
   This information will help me know some facts of the botulism and how its use on weapons.

house, Spring. Professional Guide to deseases. New York:  Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005. Print.

This book will help know what does botulism has to do in our society with politics and food.
Professional Guide to Diseases (Eighth Edition) Read more at http://www.wrongdiagnosis.com/b/botulism_food_poisoning/book-diseases-7a.htm?ktrack=kcplink
Professional Guide to Diseases (Eighth Edition) Read more at http://www.wrongdiagnosis.com/b/botulism_food_poisoning/book-diseases-7a.htm?ktrack=kcplink
Professional Guide to Diseases (Eighth Edition) Read more at http://www.wrongdiagnosis.com/b/botulism_food_poisoning/book-diseases-7a.htm?ktrack=kcplink

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

10 things to write about in my final paper

1- the obesity of childrens eating dinner
2- fast food
3- candies
4- soda
5- hospital food
6- vegetarian food
7- vegetables
8- chickens
9-fruiits like banana, apple ect
10-organic food
11- the american food pyramid is accurate?
12- chocalate
13. food banned
14. cans food

my opinion about the article......

I  agree with  Caryn Sweeny  because  its true  that these companies are not thinking about people health just about making their money. I tottally agree with each point she makes,  It called my attention when she says that she can't based her menu on grains, but most important  nutrients.  how poor people in the farmers work very hard to survive with their families to get the food stamps to be able to eat.. Also she includes that even if she goes with food stamps she would try to buyt the moest healthier food. Everyone has the right to choose what to eat. food stamps for poor people is important, because that the only way they can survive. however even thought i admit that for some people that the only way to eat, i believe that the food stamps for soda should be banned because thats not healthy at all. One of the biggest problems in United States is that so many people buy their food that dont have the sufficient nutrients and proteins  and they use this food stamps to kill themselves with what they eat. we need to stop and banned the soda because that causing diabetis, obesity.Its sad to realized this is the reality that we living each day.

the spring hw, super zise me and the chapter two of fast food nation.

    Its sad to know how people dont care about humans health, just about the money they getting of the junk food. all that matters is marketing, all this companies are promoting their food by doing advertisements to influenced kids, parents to buy their food. Im saying all these things based on the chapter 2 and the movie "super size me". however in both stories we see how mcdonals is one of the biggest companies who pay the most for advertisements. they also influences people of any age, to buy their food.

I noticed how in the fast food nation  and "super size me" mcdonal tries to convine families to buy combos. they also use the kids, with toys when they have to buy a happy meal. these childrens see everyone eating this food and they also want their parents to buy them those food, thats one of the reasons many childrens in united states suffer from obesity and other deseases, and shows that these producers of this food dont care about it.  in the movie "super size me "I saw how Morgan Spurlock was getting an obsession of eating mcdonal everyday and even 3 times in a day. in a consequence at the end he end up with obesity and feeling really bad not just his body but also in his mind he wasnt the same men who used to eat mcdonals once ina  while.
 It was increible when in the school in the film of super size me the children of the school din't regconize others characters like ex- presidents, but when they showed the picture of ronald the clown from mcdonal they all recognize him super happy.

the worst thing of this problem is how this companies like mcdonals tries to persuade the kids with toys, parties, and then the children persuade the parents to buy these meals at the end everyone end up eating the combos. and it something that is not healthy at all and this people are not thinking about your health, they just thinking about to make money.

In both "super size me" and fast food nation we see the same problem mcdonal is trying to make this people buy all they can,not even worrying about their health, or what problem can bring them eating this food with alot of calories. this very harmful for the kids because when they grow up, will problably end up like Morgan Spurlock from the movie. however for this companies all that matter is marketing,

Thursday, April 7, 2011

anny2009: essay peer review

anny2009: essay peer review: "Writer’s Name: Anneris Rumaldo Paper Title: the chicken stew Date 4/6/2011 Editor’s Name: Anneris Rumaldo Peer Review Worksheet 1.&nbs..."

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

essay peer review

Writer’s Name: Anneris  Rumaldo

Paper Title: the chicken stew

Date 4/6/2011

Editor’s Name: Anneris Rumaldo

Peer Review Worksheet

1.       Introduction: How does the first paragraph introduce both the paper’s topic and the writer’s approach or general conclusion? Is the first sentence attention-getting and relevant to the topic?

  The introduction is clear and it gives the reader an idea of what two things will be compare in the essay. Also is a good introduction because it talks about something that everyone likes.

2.       What can you identify as a thesis statement? (Re-write it below) Suggest, if possible, a way to improve the introduction or thesis statement.

The thesis is: the way my ancestors cooked chicken stew has changed from the way I cook it now.
A way to improve my introduction will be by adding more details about the topic.                                                                                                                                                     

3.       Structure: Can you identify the organization of the paper from the main idea of each paragraph? What are the main concepts explored in the paper? Does each paragraph make a relevant point that is distinct from what has already been covered? What are the main conclusions?

Yes, it easy because all the paragraphs has it main idea in the beginning of the paragraph.

The main concepts are how the way my ancestor cooked the chicken stew has change from the way it’s made now days.

The main points are relevant and clear for the reader to understand.

4.       Clarity/Style: Did you find distracting grammar, punctuation, spelling, or word usage problems? Identify any patterns or themes you detect. Is the tone of the essay formal? If you find awkward sentences, try to explain why they don’t make sense to you.
Try to correct grammar

 Be careful with the verbs.

Each paragraphs gives evidence and example proving the thesis.

     If I find a awkward sentence is probably because I was trying to explain a lot but got confused with the words.

5.       Resources: Does the author clearly identify his/her sources? Is proper in-text and reference format used?

 Yes, the writer gives a clear format of what she’s trying to say in each paragraph. 

The writer also gives a good idea of how different this two same plate were different just in the ingredients.

6.       What is/are the paper’s greatest strength(s)? Explain.

I think it was really good, because its gives the reader a thesis and in each paragraph shows the evidence of what the writer is trying to say in a clear way of understanding the essay.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

essay research

in my first essay i didnt research that much, however now i have been researching from different places.
1-  the google website. the traditional chicken stew
2- the book called fast food
3- the book called traditional food are your best medicine it mentions how this plate was more healthier before
4- a magazine chicken stew recipes that talks about the diferent ways of making it.
5- a book called how to make chicken stew and it explains the step how its cooked today.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

my essay about food!!!

Eng 101

   The way my ancestors cooked chicken stew has changed from the way I cook it now. I believe that the way it was cooked before is healthier than now, because the ingredients were totally different and were also from natural resources. Now days the chicken stew has a lot of artificial condiments that can cause health problems, like cholesterol, diabetes and other types of diseases.  The chicken they used was different, the onions everything was diverse from now. In this essay you will learn the difference and similarities between these two plates.

   The most notable difference between these two kinds of plate is their recipe and the way it was cooked.  The chicken stew from my ancestor was organic and was kept all their natural conditions and the condiments were fresher.  The Chicken stew from now however is not organic and it lack a lot of its flavor characteristics because there are some other chemical products added to the natural food.  The chicken from the past was season well with natural condiments right away to be cooked. Now the chicken is season and put it in the freezer for a long time. After searching to find out which chicken stew is better, I have an example. I told my grandmother how the chicken stew was made in the traditional old fashioned way, she told me that even the way the chicken stew look was different.  However she even showed me a picture and there I saw the difference and I realized how healthier the way they cooked the chicken stew was.

       As the time has passed the way I cook chicken stew I notice there are more condiments to use now than before. When I’m cooking this plate I use the olive oil because it’s not that bad like the other oils. However the oil my ancestor used was the canola oil which was made natural of vegetables. The oil they used gave the chicken stew a delicious flavor and at the same time the people were eating in a way that it the chicken stew didn’t contain greasy like nowadays.  Even though both are oil, the way it was made and where it came from it different. The canola oil was made at the house, not like now that we don’t even know who makes the oil, or what condiments are added to the oils. Sometimes the chicken stew has a lot of oil which contribute the health of people of having problems like diabetes, high cholesterol and sometimes even worse.

   Yet another difference between these two types of plate is also the onions that are used to prepare the chicken stew, in 1911 the pearl onions were the ones they used to cook the chicken stew. The onions were not fries like the way I do it, they would boil the onions.  The onions were fresh and were cultivated near the house. However when I cook I use red onions. Different from before the onions now have condiments in a way that they can last longer time. I personally think that everything that was used before to cook the chicken stew was healthier than now.  I read in a book that the reason why many people are getting diseases nowadays is because of all the hormones that the food has.

   Comparing two similar foods we notice another difference. The vegetables were another thing that contribute a lot in the way the chicken stew was cooked and the taste also, because the potatoes were sweet, and now days I cook the chicken with regular potato.  It’s really calls my attention to see how a same plate from 1911 could have a different recipe and taste so different. I have an example of an article I read and it says that the way the food from100-500 years ago was such a different thing from now days because the food before wasn’t so proceed like today. The people back then were healthier, and the food had better taste than now.

       In conclusion even though the chicken stew was made also 100- 150 years ago, we can’t discuss that before it was totally natural and healthier for our body. However I think you can still eat like our ancestor with you wants to; buy buying organic food that can make a difference in the way you eat. The reality is that even though they are the same plate from different times and have different ingredients the better chicken stew is the one of my ancestor.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A cool movie about food!!!

wow im surprise of how much junk food we eat each day. i wish things can change and that the way we eat can be different. i would like to start eating more vegetables and food that will help me be healthier and with energy. i feel really sorry because we eat a lot of chicken and we dont notice how is that this chicken are so huge, because of all the condiments and hormones. this is not the right way of eating not just because this junk food are not that expensive, but we need to think about more careful about the food our family eat. however something that called my attention was that the national wanted the beef taste the same everywhere, they change the way to produce this beef. its really sad how this chicken can't even stand because the weigh is so huge for them, tehy can't even support it. when i saw the mom that was talking about her son that died 7 years ago, because of the food he ate, makes me feel scared of what are we really eating.