Tuesday, April 26, 2011

the spring hw, super zise me and the chapter two of fast food nation.

    Its sad to know how people dont care about humans health, just about the money they getting of the junk food. all that matters is marketing, all this companies are promoting their food by doing advertisements to influenced kids, parents to buy their food. Im saying all these things based on the chapter 2 and the movie "super size me". however in both stories we see how mcdonals is one of the biggest companies who pay the most for advertisements. they also influences people of any age, to buy their food.

I noticed how in the fast food nation  and "super size me" mcdonal tries to convine families to buy combos. they also use the kids, with toys when they have to buy a happy meal. these childrens see everyone eating this food and they also want their parents to buy them those food, thats one of the reasons many childrens in united states suffer from obesity and other deseases, and shows that these producers of this food dont care about it.  in the movie "super size me "I saw how Morgan Spurlock was getting an obsession of eating mcdonal everyday and even 3 times in a day. in a consequence at the end he end up with obesity and feeling really bad not just his body but also in his mind he wasnt the same men who used to eat mcdonals once ina  while.
 It was increible when in the school in the film of super size me the children of the school din't regconize others characters like ex- presidents, but when they showed the picture of ronald the clown from mcdonal they all recognize him super happy.

the worst thing of this problem is how this companies like mcdonals tries to persuade the kids with toys, parties, and then the children persuade the parents to buy these meals at the end everyone end up eating the combos. and it something that is not healthy at all and this people are not thinking about your health, they just thinking about to make money.

In both "super size me" and fast food nation we see the same problem mcdonal is trying to make this people buy all they can,not even worrying about their health, or what problem can bring them eating this food with alot of calories. this very harmful for the kids because when they grow up, will problably end up like Morgan Spurlock from the movie. however for this companies all that matter is marketing,

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